- AI model mimics human goal-setting through game creation
- New report explores merging Web 3.0 with AI technologies
- New study identifies differences between human and AI-generated text
- New technique aims to make food deliveries more efficient
- High-speed face tracking enhances augmented reality experiences
- Low-cost framework enhances metadata replication with adaptive synchronization
- Contextual analysis for recommending code reviewers
- Computer graphics team makes advances in simulating ink diffusion
- Possible end of Moore's Law: Engineers discuss consequences and opportunities
- Interactive maps show quality of public transportation in Germany
- New algorithm improves how AI can independently learn and uncover patterns in data
- Cloud-based computing: Routes toward secure storage and affordable computation
- The era of practical quantum computers draws closer
- Machine learning approach enhances emotion detection accuracy
- Sustainable SOT-MRAM memory technology could replace cache memory in computer architecture in the future